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Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant

Application deadline is 11:59:59 p.m., January 31, 2026. Teachers of grades prekindergarten through 12 in Illinois, including home-schooling teachers, may apply.

The main sponsors of the Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant program are the Daniel F. and
Ada L. Rice Foundation of Skokie and D. F. and M. T. Grohne Family Foundation of Wilmington.

Tutorial Video

In an effort to reduce errors on Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant applications, this video has been produced for persons wanting to apply for this grant. Watching this video prior to applying is mandatory. Any errors made that are addressed in this video will cause the application to be disqualified.


Grants are only available to teachers of grades prekindergarten through 12 in Illinois schools and home-schooling teachers in Illinois and are awarded for the purpose of studying some aspect of Illinois’ biodiversity. “Biodiversity” refers to the variety of life in an area. The field trip should support Illinois natural resources topics currently being taught in the applicant’s curriculum. At least 75% of the field trip must occur outdoors to be eligible for these grant funds. The field trip site must be in Illinois. Field trips for agricultural and historical topics will not be funded. 

The field trip must occur before December 31, 2026. More information will be provided to grant award winners. Notification to all applicants will be made no later than March 15, 2026. Do not plan a field trip prior to this date. The Final Report is due no later than one month after the date of the field trip. 

Grants are not transferable. They may not be transferred to another person, school or grade level.

Time Line

The field trip must occur before December 31, 2026. More information will be provided to grant award winners. Notification to all applicants will be made no later than March 15, 2026. Do not plan a field trip prior to this date. The Final Report is due no later than one month after the date of the field trip.


There is a $20.00 per student maximum for expenses that are not related to transportation costs or substitute teacher costs. These expenses must be itemized in the "Other Expense(s)" category and are considered secondary expenses.

There is a $500 limit per teacher. Multiple teachers within the same school can collaborate on a field trip. The collaborating teachers must attend the same field trip on the same day. If you have questions about eligibility, please contact the IDNR Division of Education (see contact information in the first dot point) before submitting your application.

NOTE: In order to qualify for the $500 maximum per teacher in a collaborative field trip, each teacher must be accompanying their own students. Bus transportation costs for collaborative field trips may not exceed $1,000.00 regardless of the number of participating teachers.

Funds are awarded on a reimbursement basis to the school. Reimbursement will only occur for budget items approved by the judging committee. With the exception of home-schooling teachers who do not have a cooperative organization FEIN, no reimbursement is made to individuals.

W-9 form is no longer required for this grant during the application process. The IDNR Division of Education may still contact you after the fact for a current W-9 form.

Items Eligible for Funding

Items eligible for funding include transportation and compensation for substitute teachers for those teachers who are participating in the field trip. Admission fees and program fees directly related to the field trip will be considered if ample funds are available. Judges have the right to partially fund requests.

Primary Expenses: Transportation and substitute teacher fees are the primary expenses eligible for funding. These expenses will be funded first on all winning applications. Substitute teacher fees are only reimbursed for teachers on the field trip who are accompanying their own students. Bus transportation costs on collaborative field trips may not exceed $1,000.00 regardless of the number of collaborating teachers.

Secondary Expenses: Admission fees and other fees directly related to the field trip will only be funded by the recommendation of the judges and if funds are available. FOOD, LODGING, CHAPERONE FEES, DONATIONS, SUPPLIES, SCHOLARSHIPS, WEB DEVELOPMENT, BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT DO NOT QUALIFY FOR FUNDING.

There is a $20.00 per student maximum for expenses that are not related to transportation costs or substitute teacher costs. These expenses must be itemized in the "Other Expense(s)" category and are considered secondary expenses.

Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant Application

To begin the application, you are required to enter your name and email address. Once you complete your portion of the application, you will be required to enter the name and email address of the individual that will be signing off on your application. You will see this box:


You are to put the name and email address of the principal/superintendent that is the signing official for this grant. DO NOT USE THE NAMES OF OTHER PARTICIPATING TEACHERS.


You can save the application so you can continue to fill it out at a later date. On the upper left-hand portion of the application page, you will see a drop-down menu button labeled Options. Click this button and you will see where you can save the application. You will need to enter your name and email address. The Abode system will send you an email link that will allow you to continue your application.

Once that is complete and you submit the application, you will be sent a verification email to the address you listed on the application. 

You may save the application and return to it to complete it at any time during the process. However, once the application is completed and signed, it cannot be edited.

You will receive a PDF copy of your application as well as notification that the application has been received by the IDNR Division of Education. The application is due to the Division of Education no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on January 31, 2026.

If you have any problems or have any questions, please contact
IDNR Education at 217-524-4126 or email