Grant Opportunities
Schedule last updated: January 3rd, 2025
Grant Program | Start Date | End Date |
Non-competitive USFWS Grants Program (TBD) |
01/20/2025 |
03/21/2025 |
01/20/2025 |
03/21/2025 |
01/20/2025 |
03/21/2025 |
05/15/2025 |
06/30/2025 |
05/01/2025 |
06/15/2025 |
04/01/2025 |
05/01/2025 |
01/20/2025 |
03/21/2025 |
03/03/2025 |
05/09/2025 |
07/01/2025 |
09/30/2025 |
02/14/2025 |
04/14/2025 |
Public Museum Grant Program (Not running in 2025) |
05/01/2025 |
06/14/2025 |
Park and Recreational Facility Construction Program (Not running in 2025) |
07/01/2025 |
08/01/2025 |
07/01/2025 |
08/01/2025 |
07/01/2025 |
09/30/2025 |
03/03/2025 |
05/09/2025 |
Boating Infrastructure Grant Program |
08/01/2025 |
10/31/2025 |
09/01/2025 |
10/31/2025 |
11/15/2024 |
01/10/2025 |
Coastal Management Program (TBD) |
*Grants awarded through the Illinois Conservation Foundation (ICF)
The Notice of Funding Opportunity for State of Illinois grant programs can be found online.
UPDATE: We are no longer able to review and provide feedback on the merits of projects. We are now limited to answering specific eligibility questions. **Please do not contact grant administrators to schedule pre-application phone calls.**
All grants administered by the Department, including other grants not listed below, are subject to available funding.
Amplifund Training and Job Aids
Upcoming Amplifund Training:
Funding Information
The following links will take you directly to those sections on our website. See Current Funding Opportunities on Sidebar.
Recreational Grants-in-Aid Programs - Provides grants for capital improvements to create and/or enhance recreational amenities. These include OSLAD/Federal LWCF, Boat Access, PARC, and Trails Programs including Bikeway, Snowmobile, Off-Highway Vehicle, and Federal Recreational Trails Program.
Museum Capital Grants - Provides grants to help public museums in Illinois expand and upgrade facilities and create new exhibits and other physical facilities to enhance public museums' abilities to meet their mission.
Certified Local Government Grants - Provides grants to eligible communities to develop and sustain historic preservation programs and complete projects that preserve local historic resources.
Clean Vessel Act Grants - Provides grant funding to marinas, boatyards, and local units of government to purchase pump outs or dump stations to prevent pollution through the proper disposal of sewage from recreational boats.
Illinois Conservation Foundation Educational Grants - Provides funding to K-12 teachers for biodiversity-related and historic site field trips with their students. Funding is also available for Schoolyard Habitat projects.
Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Program (VFA Program) - Provides grants to volunteer fire departments for training or equipment purchases for Illinois communities with fewer than 10,000 residents.
Special Funds Grant Program - Provides grants to protect, acquire, enhance and/or manage wildlife habitat through the Illinois Habitat Fund, State Pheasant Fund, State Furbearer Fund and the Migratory Waterfowl Stamp Fund. Funded by Illinois sportsmen through the purchase of Habitat and Migratory Waterfowl Stamps.
Illinois Coastal Management Program Grants - Provides grants to local governments and non-profits along the Illinois Lake Michigan shoreline to protect, restore, and manage the Illinois Lake Michigan Coast for current and future generations.
Illinois Natural Areas Stewardship Grants - Provides grants to Conservation Land Trust non-profits for stewardship on Illinois Nature Preserves and registered Land and Water Reserves.