Park and Recreational Facilities Construction Program

What is the Park and Recreational Facility Construction Grant?
The Park and Recreational Facility Construction Act (PARC) provides grants to eligible local governments for park and recreation unit construction projects and land acquisition.
Applicant Eligibility
PARC grants are available to units of local government that are authorized by Illinois law to expend public funds for the acquisition and development of land for public indoor/outdoor park, recreation, or conservation purposes are eligible to apply for funding assistance. School districts are not eligible.
There are now five grantee pre-award requirements statewide per Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) State Statute 30 ILCS 708/1. The five pre-award requirements all state grantees must complete are described in more detail. Cick Here
- Distressed Communities List *UPDATED*
NEW: We are no longer able to conduct pre-application phone calls to provide feedback on the merits of a project. Please limit questions to specific program and eligibility. *Please do not contact grant administrators to setup pre-application phone calls.*
Eligible Projects
PARC grants must be used for “bondable” or “brick and mortar” projects. Eligible capital expenditures include (but are not limited to) demolition in preparation for recreational development, site preparation and improvements for indoor/outdoor recreation purposes, utility work for indoor/outdoor recreation purposes, reconstruction or improvement of existing buildings or facilities for indoor/outdoor recreation purposes, expansion of buildings/facilities for indoor/outdoor recreation purposes, and new construction of buildings/structures.
Land acquisition projects for public park recreation and conservation purposes include, but are not limited to, acquisition of land for the following: to construct new public indoor/outdoor recreation buildings, structures and facilities; to expand existing public indoor/outdoor recreation buildings, structures and facilities; general park purposes such as regional, community, and neighborhood parks and playfields; frontage on public surface waters for recreation use; open space/conservation purposes to protect floodplains, wetlands, natural areas, wildlife habitat, and unique geologic and biologic features, and additions to such areas.
Please note that the priority of the program is the renovation or construction of indoor recreation facilities since they are not eligible under other IDNR grant programs. PARC Grant covers 75% of capital project cost for most applicants, 90% of capital project cost for Disadvantaged Communities.
Project Evaluation
Click Here for Program Manual.
How to Apply
Step 1:
All applicants must be pre-qualified through the State of Illinois Grantee Portal. Additional information on prequalification is available.
All applications must be submitted in the AmpliFund Grant Management System
No other form of submission will be allowed or eligible.
For more information or questions, you may reach the Office of Grant Management and Assistance at:
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, Illinois 62702-1271
Phone: (217) 782-7481
Note: Applications received after the application deadline, will not be considered. Submission of an incomplete application does not extend the application deadline.
Visit the CATALOG OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE to learn about future funding opportunities.