Federal Recreational Trails Program
Note: Applications are now being accepted until March 21st, 2025. Click here to go to the application.
The federal "Recreational Trails Program" (RTP), was created through the National Recreational Trail Fund Act (NRTFA) as part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) and re-authorized by the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). This program provides funding assistance for acquisition, development, rehabilitation and maintenance of both motorized and non-motorized recreation trails. By law, 30% of each states' RTP funding must be earmarked for motorized trail projects, 30% for non-motorized trail projects and the remaining 40% for multi-use (diversified) motorized and non-motorized trails or a combination of either.
The RTP program can provide up to 80% federal funding on approved projects and requires a minimum 20% non-federal funding match. Awards are generally announced within 180 days following the application deadline date.
Examples of eligible project activities include:
- trail construction and rehabilitation
- restoration of areas adjacent to trails damaged by unauthorized trail uses
- construction of trail-related support facilities and amenities
- acquisition from willing sellers of trail corridors through easements or fee simple title.
Grant assistance from this program cannot be used for the following purposes:
- condemnation of any kind of interest in property;
- construction of any motorized use trail on U.S. Forest Service lands designated as wilderness or currently not authorized for such use by an approved management plan; or
- upgrading, expanding or otherwise facilitating motorized use or access to trails predominantly used by non-motorized trail users, and on which, as of May 1, 1991, motorized use is either prohibited or has not occurred.
IMPORTANT: ALL applicants must be registered with GATA prior to the application deadline date.
Additional Guides on GATA and AmpliFund.
Electronic Payment System for Application Fee
Paper checks or bank drafts may be mailed to:
Dept of Natural Resources
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL 62702
Current Year Manual and Forms
Prior Year Manuals and Forms
- The Federal Recreational Trails (RTP) grant program will begin accepting applications on January 20, 2025 until 5pm on March 21, 2025.
- All Applicants must be registered with GATA prior to the application deadline date.
- The Trails Grant Programs requires a non-refundable Application fee.