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Regulations-Game breeding and Hunting Preserve Areas

5/3.27. Game breeding and hunting preserves; requirements.

§3.27. Any person owning, holding or controlling, by lease, which possession must be for a term of 5 or more years, any contiguous tract of land having an area of not less that 200 acres, and not more that 1280 acres, with at least 100 acres of suitable wildlife habitat, who desires to establish a game breeding and hunting preserve area, to propagate, preserve and hunt game birds shall make application to the Department for a license as herein provided. Such application shall be made under oath of the applicant or under oath of one of its principal officers if the applicant is an association, club or corporation. In the case of releasing and harvesting hand reared mallards, the tract of land, with the approval of the Department, may be smaller than that required in this Section but in all other respects the applicant shall conform to the provisions of this Act. The application shall be accompanied by a license fee of not to exceed $100 for a Class A license or a license fee not to exceed $200 for a Class B license.

Every licensee under this Section shall release not less than 250 Bobwhite quail or pheasants each season.

Upon receipt of such application, the Department shall inspect the proposed licensed area described in such application and the premises and the facilities where game birds are to be propagated and the cover for game birds and the ability of the applicant to operate a property of this character. If the Department finds that the area meets the requirements of all applicable laws and administrative rules and that the game birds are reasonably healthy and disease free; and that the issuing of the license will otherwise be in the public interest; the Department shall approve the application and issue the license for the operation of the property described in the application with the rights and subject to the limitations in this Act prescribed.

All game breeding and hunting preserve area licenses expire on April 30 of each year.
Upon receipt of such license, the licensee shall promptly post such licensed areas at intervals of not more than 500 feet with signs to be prescribed by the Department. The boundaries of such licensed game breeding and hunting preserve areas shall also be clearly defined by natural or artificial boundaries and by signs.

(Source: P.A. 85-152.) [Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 61 §3.27.]

5/3.28. Licensee Limits - Game breeding and hunting preserve areas.

§3.28. The licensee of any licensed game breeding and hunting preserve area may take, or authorize to be taken, on licensed areas and within the season fixed and designated, and in such numbers as herein provided, the following: (a) 100% of each of the following species of game birds released within the said season; hand reared pheasants, Bobwhite quail, Hungarian partridges, Chukar partridges, Coturnix and wild turkeys; and (b) hand reared mallard ducks may be released at any time of the year for shooting purposes and 100% of those released may be harvested by shooting.

All the foregoing birds so released, except Coturnix, shall be at least 16 weeks of age before releasing the same and shall possess full plumage.

(Source: P.A. 84-150.) [Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 61 §3.28.]

5/3.29. Game breeding and hunting preserve areas - Release of birds.

§3.29. For the purpose of this Act, game birds shall be released upon licensed game breeding and hunting preserve areas in a manner satisfactory to the Department. The licensee shall keep a register on forms prescribed by the Department which shall clearly show the number and kind of game birds released each year, the month of release, and also the number and kind of game birds taken, the month when taken and the disposition made of such game birds, and shall submit such reports under oath as to game birds released and taken, to the Department not later 10 days following the end of each month during the season. The Department shall keep an adequate record of the number of birds released on each licensed game breeding and hunting preserve area in each year and of the birds taken.

The Department shall prepare special tags suitable for use upon legs of game birds, including hand reared mallard ducks, which tags shall be of a type not removable without breaking and mutilating the tag, such tags to be used to designate birds taken upon a licensed game breeding and hunting preserve area, and such tag shall remain upon the leg of such game bird until such bird is finally prepared for consumption. Those licensed areas which dress game birds may affix the tag to the bag in which the dressed game birds are contained.

Upon application and payment of a fee of 10 cents for each such tag, the Department shall furnish licensees with such tags. All game birds harvested on licensed areas are to be properly banded on the same day they are taken.

(Source: P.A. 84-150.) [Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 61 §3.29.]

5/3.30. Game breeding and hunting preserve areas - Seasons.

§3.30. Game birds may be taken upon a Class A game breeding and hunting preserve area only during the period from September 1st to April 15th of each year, both dates inclusive. Game birds may be taken upon a Class B game breeding and hunting preserve area all year.

Before any person shall take or attempt to take game birds upon such licensed game breeding and hunting preserve areas, he shall first secure a hunting license in accordance with this Act.

(Source: P.A. 85-152.) [Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat.61§3.30]

5/3.31. Enforcement of game laws.

§3.31. The Department may designate any operator of a license game breeding and hunting preserve area or any of his or its agents or employees as a special representative of the Department with power to enforce the game laws and to prevent trespassing upon such property; provided that not more than two special representatives may be appointed for each such preserve. Such special representative shall be subject to rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Department and shall serve without compensation from the Department.

(Source: P.A. 84-150.)[Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 61§3.31]

5/3.33. Game breeding and hunting preserve area; licensing provisions.

§3.33. The Department may either refuse to issue or refuse to renew or may suspend or may revoke any game breeding and hunting preserve area license if the Department finds that such licensed area or the operator thereof is not complying or does not comply with the provisions of Section 3.35 of this Act, or that such property, or area is operated in violation of other provision of this Act, or in an unlawful or illegal manner; however the Department shall not refuse to issue, refuse to review nor suspend or revoke any license for any of these causes, unless the licensee affected has been at least 15 days notice in writing, of the reasons for the action of the Department and an opportunity to appear before the Department or a representative thererof in opposition of the action of the Department. Upon the hearing of any such proceeding, the person designated by the Department to conduct the hearing may administer oaths and the Department may procure, by its subpoena the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers,

The Circuit Court upon application either of the licensee affected, or of the Department, may, or order duly entered, require the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers before the Department or its representative in any such hearing. Upon refusal or neglect to obey its order, the Court may compel obedience by proceedings for contempt of court.

(Source: P.A. 84-150.) [Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 61§3.33.]

5/3.35. Misuse or transfer of tags issued.

§3.35. Any licensee, or any other person, who willfully and intentionally transfers or permits the transfer of the tags issued to the operator of one licensed game breeding and hunting preserve area to the operator of another licensed game breeding and hunting preserve area, or to any other person, or who affixes such tags to game birds not taken from a licensed game breeding and hunting preserve area or to game birds taken from any area other than the area for which such tags were issued, is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor.

(Source: P.A. 84-150.) [Formerly Ill. Rev. Stat. 61 §3.35.]

Additional Provisions
5/2.33. Prohibitions

§2.33. Prohibitions......
(m) It is unlawful to use any shotgun capable of holding more than 3 shells in the magazine or chamber combined, except on game breeding and hunting preserve areas licensed under Section 3.27. If the shotgun is capable of holding more than 3 shells, it shall, while being used on an area other than a game breeding and shooting preserve area licensed pursuant to Section 3.27, be fitted with a one piece plug that is irremovable without dismantling the shotgun or otherwise altered to render it incapable of holding more than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber, combined.
(u) It is unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm for the purpose of taking any of the species protected by this Act, or hunt with a gun or dog , or allow a dog to hunt, within 300 yards of an inhabited dwelling without first obtaining permission from the owner or tenant, except that while trapping, hunting with bow and arrow, hunting with dog and shotgun using shot shells only, or hunting with shotgun using shot shells, or on licensed game breeding and hunting preserve areas, as defined in Section 3.27, on property operated under a Migratory Waterfowl Hunting Area Permit, on federally owned and managed lands and on Department owned, managed, leased or controlled lands, a 100 yard restriction shall apply.

5/3.2. Hunting license; application; instruction.


A special nonresident hunting license authorizing a nonresident to take game birds by hunting on a game breeding and hunting preserve area only, established under Section 3.27, shall be issued upon proper application being made and payment of a fee equal to that for a resident hunting license. The expiration date of this license shall be on the same date each year that game breeding and hunting preserve area licenses expire.