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Nature Preserve Area
Location And Access
From Lemont, take Lemont Road north across the Des Plaines River, continue on Lemont Road for 0.2 mi. to 111th Street (Bluff Road), then west and southwest 1 mi. The nature preserve is in Black Partridge Woods Forest Preserve. Special Note: Trails and parking are available at this preserve.
Black Partridge Woods in Cook County was one of the first dedicated nature preserves in Illinois. The river bluffs, ravine forests, and spring-fed streams represent communities typical of the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division of Illinois. The mesic forests are dominated by sugar maple, basswood, red oak and white oak, while the seep springs support skunk cabbage, marsh marigold, and a wide variety of spring wildflowers. Common animal species observed in the preserve include woodcock, gray squirrel, American toad, wood pewee, and red-headed woodpecker. The mottled sculpin, an uncommon bottom dwelling fish, occurs in the stream. Sculpins are restricted to cold and highly oxygenated waters like the stream at the preserve. Black Partridge was a chief and influential leader of the Potawatomi Indians in Illinois during the early 1800's. His village was once located approximately 20 miles north of Peoria, but he is known to have traveled widely in Illinois.
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
January 1965 as the 2nd Illinois Nature Preserve.
80 acres
Topographic Quad
For Further Information
Contact: Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Conservation Department, 536 North Harlem Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305 (708/771-1330)