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Morton Grove Prairie

Nature Preserve Area




Location And Access

From Morton Grove at jct. Dempster Road & Waukegan Road, take Dempster Road east 0.1 mi. to Prairieview Park. The nature preserve is in the northeastern part of the park.


Morton Grove Prairie is a remnant of mesic and wet mesic tallgrass prairie that represents the Chicago Lake Plain Section of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division. A great diversity of plant species occur in the preserve. Over 56 species have been recorded, with big bluestem and Indian grass dominating. Notable forbs include Indian plantain, rattlesnake master, shooting star, prairie rose and golden alexanders. The prairie is located in an urban setting where it was set aside by the Morton Grove Park District as part of the city's bicentennial celebration. The preserve provides endless educational opportunities to those who might otherwise never experience or know the benefits of a prairie community.


Morton Grove Park District


October 1979


1.3 acres

Topographic Quad

Park Ridge

Topo Map

morton grove

For Further Information

Contact: Morton Grove Park District, 6834 Dempster Street, Morton Grove, IL 60053 (708/965-1200)

1/2009 - R. Heidorn