Nature Preserve Area
Location And Access
The site is in the city of Palatine in northern Cook County within the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division.
Palatine Prairie Nature Preserve supports over 100 native prairie plants associated with a moisture gradient that includes dry mesic prairie, mesic prairie, wet mesic prairie, sedge meadow, and marsh communities. The communities are associated with subtle moisture and soil type gradients and frequently blend, almost imperceptibly, together. The dry mesic prairie is dominated by porcupine grass and prairie panic grass, with some northern prairie dropseed and little bluestem. The mesic prairie community is characterized by big bluestem, hoary puccoon, shooting star, rattlesnake master, wild quinine, prairie dock, prairie phlox, marsh phlox, marsh blazing star, and golden alexanders. Notable associates found in the wet mesic prairie include Indian plantain, common valerian, and small white lady’s slippers. The sedge meadow communities contain prairie cord grass, blue joint grass, and sedges. The lowest part of the swale hosts a cattail and bulrush dominated marsh community. The site is included on the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI #0856) due to the presence of a state-endangered species.
Palatine Park District
November 1995
2.5 acres
Topographic Quad
For Further Information
Illinois Nature Preserves Commission
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL 62702