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Attention hunters: Visit our FAQ page for information about the use of centerfire, single-shot rifles for deer hunting in Illinois. 

Belmont Prairie

Nature Preserve Area



Du Page

Location And Access

From Downers Grove at jct. Hwy. 34 (Ogden Road) & Belmont Road, take Belmont Road south 0.6 mile to Prairie Avenue, then turn and go east 0.5 mile to Cross Street. The nature preserve is northwest of jct. Prairie Avenue & Cross Street.


Belmont Prairie is a high quality remnant of the dry to wet prairies typical of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division. The preserve is located within the Valparaiso Moranic System on the Keenyville drift which was formed over 12,000 years ago. For the most part, the upper north and east sections of the area contain moderately well to well drained soils. But soils on the lower slopes and in scattered pockets throughout the area are poorly drained. The dry-mesic prairie has a high forb diversity and low percentage of grass cover. The dominant species are porcupine grass and Canada blue-joint grass. The small wet-mesic and wet prairie contain moisture-loving species such as cordgrass, sedges, and blue-joint grass. A few wildlife species known to occur here are garter snake, fox snake, and meadow vole. The area was protected from development in the early 1970's by cooperative efforts of The Nature Conservancy and the Belmont Prairie Preservation Association. One-third of the area was preserved through a gift by Alfred and Margo Dupree of Downers Grove.


Downers Grove Park District


November 1979 as the 75th Illinois Nature Preserve


10.4 acres, 15.4 acres buffer

Topographic Quad


Topo Map

belmont prairie

For Further Information

Contact: Downers Grove Park District, 6801 South Main Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515 (708/963-1304)

03/10 R. Heidorn