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Springbrook Prairie

Nature Preserve Area



Du Page

Location And Access

The site is part of the southwestern boundary of the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division of Illinois. It is located just north of the southern border of DuPage County in Naperville Township. The site is also included in Springbrook Prairie Forest Preserve. The main parking lot, trailhead, and off-leash dog area are on the north side of 83rd Street 0.5 mile west of Book Road. Additional parking and the model-craft area are on the west side of Plainfield-Naperville Road 0.5 mile south of 75th Street and east of Route 59.


Springbrook Prairie Nature Preserve is a mosaic of natural communities comprised of tall-grass meadow, graminoid fen, prairie and wetland creation, shrub meadow, immature forest, and freshwater stream. The site is one of the largest contiguous grasslands and contains the highest-quality creek in DuPage County. In 2010, the site was named an Important Bird Area by the Audubon Society in recognition of the presence of breeding grassland birds and nesting and wintering rare raptors. The site was recognized by the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory as Springbrook Prairie (INAI #1516) for its specific suitable habitat for state-listed species. The preserve protects endangered and threatened bird, butterfly, and mussel species and dozens of Illinois Species in Greatest Need of Conservation.


Forest Preserve District of DuPage County


February 2013


1616 acres

Topographic Quad


For Further Information

Visit the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County Website or Contact the INPC

Illinois Nature Preserves Commission

One Natural Resources Way

Springfield, IL 62702
