Nature Preserve Area
Location And Access
From Peoria at jct. Hwys. 29 (Galena Rd.) & 150 (War Memorial Drive), go north on Hwy. 29 2.7 miles, turn and go west on Gardner Lane 0.5 mile, turn and go south on Forest Park Drive 1000 ft., then turn west into Forest Park Nature Center Driveway. The preserve is south of the Nature Center on south side of Forest Park Drive.
Forest Park South lies on deeply dissected bluffs bordering the west side of the Illinois River. The rough topography includes uneven ridges, steep slopes and deep ravines. The preserve consists of extensive mesic and dry-mesic upland forest and a remnant glacial drift hill prairie of the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Ravines and lower slopes support mesic upland forest characterized by sugar maple and red oak. Dry-mesic upland forest, found on upper slopes and ridges, is dominated by white oak, red oak and black oak. Schreber's aster occurs within the forest. The hill prairie, found on a steep upper slope, contains characteristic prairie grasses and wildflowers such as little bluestem, Indian grass, scurf pea and yellow coneflower.
Peoria Park District
September 1988
134.6 acres
Topographic Quad
Spring Bay
For Further Information
Peoria Park District, 2218 N. Prospect, Peoria, IL 61614