Nature Preserve Area
Rock Island
Location And Access
From Hampton, take Highway 84 north 1.5 miles. The preserve is on the south side of the road. Special Note: This preserve is closed to visitors between October 1 and April 1 to prevent disturbance to the large population of bald eagles which roost here.
This site has been recognized for many years as an important winter roosting site for bald eagles. The bluffs along this portion of the Mississippi River overlook Lock and Dam 14, an important winter feeding area for bald eagles. Although the primary purpose of the preserve is to provide roosting habitat for bald eagles, the forest present on the site contains young second growth and mature second growth oaks, sugar maple, shagbark hickory, hackberry, black walnut and black cherry. The site also has a very diverse spring flora, that includes bloodroot, trillium, Dutchmen's breeches and wild ginger. This preserve is named in memory of Elton Fawks for his significant contributions to the conservation of bald eagles in the midwest. Fawks led the effort to see this bald eagle roost, formerly known as Oak Valley, protected.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
September 1989
173.6 acres
Topographic Quad
For Further Information
Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Biologist, Lost Mound Unit, 3159 Crim Drive, Savanna IL 61074 (815/273-3184)