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Shick Shack Sand Pond

Nature Preserve Area




Location And Access

From Arenzville, take road toward Beardstown north-northeast and north 3.6 miles to junction of E. Hagener Road, then turn and go east 1.6 miles, then turn and go north 0.8 mile, then turn and go east 1 mile. This last 1 mile is a dirt road that is not passable in wet weather. Visitors may have to walk part of this last mile. The nature preserve is south of the road.


The Illinois River Sand Area, like other sand areas in Illinois, was once characterized by numerous marshes and sand ponds. Most of these areas have been greatly altered, but this one is relatively undisturbed. Pond and shrub swamp are the primary plant communities. The shrub swamp contains buttonbush and willows which exist in a dense 10 to 20 foot zone around the periphery of the pond. Duckweed, a floating aquatic plant, and numerous submerged aquatic plants characterize the pond community.


Illinois Department of Natural Resources


June 1985


45.7 acres nature preserve, 11.3 acres buffer

Topographic Quad

Arenzville East

Topo Map


For Further Information

Illinois Department of Natural Resources, District Natural Heritage Biologist, 700 S. 10th Street, Havana, Illinois 62644 (309-543-3262).