Nature Preserve Area
Location And Access
From 0.5 mile north of Kilbourne on Hwy. 97, turn and go east on blacktop road 7.5 miles to gravel road, turn and go southeast 1 mile. The nature preserve is on the northeast side of the road. Special Note: Trails are established. Parking is available on the roadside.
Revis Hill Prairie is one of the largest and finest loess hill prairies in the state. Geologically, the area was created after the retreat of the last glacier when meltwaters carried finely ground silt or "rock flour" which was deposited throughout the river valleys as mud flats. During periods of drought, the dried loess was blown onto adjacent uplands. Revis Hill Prairie is located on one of these ancient loess bluffs above the Sangamon River. Much of the vegetation found at Revis is typical of hill prairies, although several rare species do occur. Little bluestem, side oats grama, silky aster, scurf pea, ladies tresses orchid, purple coneflower, tickseed and leadplant are just a few of the common grasses and forbs, while oaks and hickories dominate the upland forest communities. In between the prairie and the upland forest, a band of savanna occurs. Unusual animals present at this preserve include turkey vulture, bank swallow, bluebird, western hognose snake, western slender glass lizard, prairie walking stick and Ottoe skipper. Management practices currently being implemented at the preserve include prescribed burning, brush removal and alien species control.
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
August 1973
412.7 acres
Topographic Quad
For Further Information
Illinois Department of Natural Resources, District Natural Heritage Biologist, 700 S. 10th Street, Havana, Illinois 62644 (309-543-3262).