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Thaddeus Stubblefield Grove

Nature Preserve Area




Location And Access

From Bloomington, take I-55 south to Shirley exit. Take the Shirley exit and proceed south Funk's Grove. Follow the signs to the Funk's Grove Church and Cemetery. The nature preserve lies on the south side of the road across from the church. From McLean, travel north on old route 66 to Funk's Grove. Follow the signs as described above.


For many years, Funk's Grove has been known for its large, majestic trees. The Thaddeus Stubblefield Nature Preserve lies in the center of the grove, and it contains many of the largest trees within Funk's Grove. White and bur oaks reach diameters of nearly six feet and heights in exess of 100 feet. Individuals of sugar maple have diameters of three to four feet, as do individuals of white ash. The herbaceous understory consists of waterleaf, false rue-anemone, blue-eyed Mary, wild ginger and Virginia bluebells. The bluebells provide one of the most spectacular spring woodland wildflower displays in central Illinois. During October, the maples and oaks provide an impressive display of autumn colors. The buffer area which lies to the south of the preserve is being restored to forest similar to that found in the central part of the grove.


Trustee for Estate of Thaddeus Stubblefield, Funks Grove Cemetery Association and Illinois Department of Natural Resources


October 1993


237.720 acres with buffer

Topographic Quad


Topo Map


For Further Information

Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Biologist, R.R.#2, Box 108, Charleston, IL 61920 (217/345-2420)