Nature Preserve Area
Location And Access
From Hwy. 97 at the south end of Oakford, take Hwy. 97 southeast 2.2 mi., turn and go west 2.1 mi. on Whites Crossing Road, then turn and go south 0.2 on Bobtown Road. The nature preserve is approximately 100 ft. east of the road. Special Note: This preserve is privately owned. Prior permission is required for access.
Witter's Bobtown Hill Prairie is representative of prairies that were extensive in presettlement times on steep, exposed, south to west-facing hills and bluffs along major river valleys. This scenic prairie opening formed on windblown loess and occurs on a steep mound in the Springfield Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. The prairie harbors over 55 species of native plants. Dominant grasses are little bluestem, big bluestem, and dropseed, while common prairie wildflowers include sky-blue aster, heath aster, showy goldenrod, and pale purple coneflower. The prairie grasses and wildflowers provide a continuously changing display of color and form throughout the year. A small area of mesic, second growth forest occurs at the south edge of the preserve. The preserve owners purchased the site in 1984 specifically to protect and preserve the prairie.
Randall and Karen Witter
December 1986
5.5 acres
Topographic Quad
For Further Information
Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, 1 Natural Resource Way, Springfield, IL 62706 (217/785-8686)