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Manito Prairie

Nature Preserve Area




Location And Access

From Manito, take blacktop road north 7.5 miles to where the road turns straight east. The nature preserve is north of the road.


Manito Prairie is located on a sand and gravel terrace above the Illinois River floodplain. The bulk of the terrace was formed during the post-glacial period of the Wisconsinan glaciation with some sand deposition occurring later. This preserve is the last remaining area in Illinois containing high quality gravel hill prairie and sand prairie that represent the Illinois River Section of the Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Area Natural Division. Dry-mesic forest and successional field communities also occur at the site. Over 200 species of vascular plants have been observed within the preserve. Two of the prairie species, Tennessee milk vetch and kitten-tails are rare. Franklin's ground squirrel is one of the more unusual mammals. Current management practices include prescribed burning, brush cutting, fencing and monitoring rare species.


Illinois Department of Natural Resources


December 1985


19.6 acres

Topographic Quad


Topo Map


For Further Information

Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Jubilee College State Park, District Natural Heritage Biologist, 13921 W. Route 150, Brimfield, Illinois 61517 (309-446-9181).