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Project T-110-R1

Project Title: Assessing Population Viability and Habitat Preference of River Redhorse and Eastern Sand Darter in Illinois Running Waters

Community and/or Species Focus: River redhorse, Eastern sand darter


  1. Integrate biological and habitat information from multiple sources to list historic and/or current distributions of the 2 species
  2. Estimate relative population density at known sites and neighboring reaches
  3. Assess physical habitat, water quality, and flow characteristics that are most relevant to the target species
  4. Construct habitat suitability models for the 2 species
  5. Identify the environmental characteristics that best explain occupancy and/or abundance and predict potential distribution


  1. ​Maps showing the historic locations of each species in the past 10 years, as well as the confirmed and predicted distribution of each species in the study areas
  2. Habitat suitability models for each species
  3. A list of key factors associated with species distribution
  4. A GIS-based habitat species model for each species

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 1/1/17 - 6/30/22

Principle Investigator(s): Yong Cao (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: T-110-R1