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Project T-106-R1

Project Title: Assessing the Status of Potential Illinois Endangered and Threatened Fish Species

Community and/or Species Focus: Fish


  1. Examine and summarize existing assessment and museum collections data on selected fish species
  2. Identify populations that are lacking current data and develop a sampling plan
  3. Assess the status of populations that are lacking in data
  4. Provide a population status update report to inform management decisions


  1. ​Museum collection searches resulted in 560 historical locality records for the target species
  2. The literature was reviewed in order to identify information gaps on certain species 
  3. Field surveys were conducted that resulted in finding four of the target species: longnose dace, lake chub, banded killifish, and rosyface shiner
  4. Data on all surveyed fish species were submitted to IDNR 

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/15 - 3/1/17

Principle Investigator(s): Phil Willink (Shedd Aquarium)

Final Report: T-106-R1​​