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Project T-11-P1

Project Title: Cache River Watershed Ecosystem Restoration, Union, Johnson, Alexander, and Pulaski Counties in Illinois

Community and/or Species Focus: Cache River


  1. Coordinate activities associated with the Upper Cache River/Main Ditch Study
  2. Coordinate completion of flood analysis
  3. Coordinate ecological research to support Cache River Basin Studies (CRBS)
  4. Implement activities of CRBS


  1. ​Raised awareness about potential instability in the system and gathered historical data on Karnak levee
  2. Main Ditch was mapped and incorporated into the hydrologic model
  3. Restoration alternatives for several components of CRBS were assessed and examined for potential impacts
  4. Supported several studies related to Buttonland Swamp

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: June 2010 - July 2012

Principle Investigator(s): Tabitha Ayers (Shawnee RC & D Area, Inc.)

Final Report: T-11-P1