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Project T-99-R1

Project Title: Development of Restoration Criteria for Freshwater Mussel Species in Greatest Need of Conservation

Community and/or Species Focus:


  1. Determine target areas for necessary re-establishment of freshwater mussels in Illinois
  2. Compile data for mussels, fish, and habitats to inform decision tools for specified regions
  3. Develop a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) to provide region-specific information regarding restoration options
  4. Ground-truth BBN for feasibility
  1. ​A detailed investigation into the restoration options for specific mussel SGCN
  2. Informed managers of the most valuable restoration option for a specific scenario
  3. The initial step of guidance on the direction of restoration efforts for mussels in wadeable streams

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/15 - 12/29/19

Principle Investigator(s):

 Bob Szafoni (Illinois Department of Natural Resources)

Final Report: