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Project T-108-R1

Project Title: Distribution, Abundance, and Recruitment of Amphibian SGNC in the Vermilion River Conservation Opportunity Area

Community and/or Species Focus:


  1. Survey wetlands to determine the distribution, relative abundance, and recruitment of the amphibian SGNC: Silvery Salamander, Four-toed Salamander, and Wood Frog
  2. Evaluate the success of created wetlands in providing suitable breeding habitats
  1. ​Documented the first population of Silvery Salamanders outside of protected lands in Illinois
  2. Wood Frogs appeared to be common within the study area, in habitats with large wooded tracts and vernal wetlands
  3. Four-toed Salamanders were only encountered in 1 out of the 6 wetlands studied
  4. Silvery Salamanders and Wood Frogs bred in recently created wetlands, but had lower Body Condition Scores when compared with those that used the reference wetlands
  5. The recently created wetlands examined in this study were shown to benefit some, but not all, amphibian species
  6. Developed recommendations on the future construction of wetlands for amphibian benefit

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/15 - 2/28/19

Principle Investigator(s):

 Andrew Kuhns (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report:

 Final Report not available for public use.