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Project T-75-R1

Project Title: Hierarchical Framework for Wadeable Stream Management & Conservation

Community and/or Species Focus:


  1. Develop ecological drainage units of Illinois streams
  2. Develop and classify Illinois' stream valley segments
  3. Define aquatic ecological systems for Illinois streams
  4. Define natural community types for Illinois streams
  5. Develop and submit a list of candidate sites for INAI listing under categories I and VI
  1. ​Ecological drainage units (11) were defined using drainage affinity and presence of fish and mussel species
  2. Developed richness expectations for natural communities within Illinois streams
  3. The large number of sites identified for qualifying for INAI sites calls for further site evaluation before nominating them as an INAI site

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: Ended on 5/31/17

Principle Investigator(s):

 Leon Hinz (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: