Project T-75-R1
Project Title: Hierarchical Framework for Wadeable Stream Management & Conservation
Community and/or Species Focus:
- Develop ecological drainage units of Illinois streams
- Develop and classify Illinois' stream valley segments
- Define aquatic ecological systems for Illinois streams
- Define natural community types for Illinois streams
- Develop and submit a list of candidate sites for INAI listing under categories I and VI
- Ecological drainage units (11) were defined using drainage affinity and presence of fish and mussel species
- Developed richness expectations for natural communities within Illinois streams
- The large number of sites identified for qualifying for INAI sites calls for further site evaluation before nominating them as an INAI site
Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a
Project Period: Ended on 5/31/17
Principle Investigator(s):
Leon Hinz (Illinois Natural History Survey)
Final Report: