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Project T-123-R1

Project Title: Long-term Conservation Planning for the Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus)

Community and/or Species Focus: Eastern massasauga

  1. Conduct annual spring emergence surveys at known hibernacula surrounding Carlyle Lake
  2. Generate population abundance estimates for all known hibernacula
  3. Conduct a population viability analysis based risk assessment and threat evaluation
  4. Generate historical and contemporary species distribution models
  1. ​Extended demographic monitoring following invasive plant removal to determine the response of Eastern massasauga
  2. A better understanding of the total regional population size and targeted patches for habitat restoration/expansion
  3. Assessment of the extinction risk of the population under certain scenarios
  4. Quantitative assessment of how certain threats impact the population and conservation goals to combat such threats
  5. Data on the extent of historical decline of the species and determination if there is habitat with high potential for remnant​ populations
  6. Improved habitat that is available to the species

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 1/1/2019 - 12/31/22

Principle Investigator(s):

Mike Dreslik, Seth M. LaGrange (Illinois Natural History Survey), and John A. Crawford (National Great Rivers Research and Education Center)

Final Report: Project is currently underway; "Achievements" are projections of what is to be accomplished.