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Project T-114-R1

Project Title: Monitoring Ecological Responses to Partial Hydrologic Reconnection of the Cache River

Community and/or Species Focus:

 Cache River

  1. Quantify changes in the lower Cache, including flow velocity, oxygen, temperature, and light penetration from pre- to post-reconnection conditions 
  2. Assess organic matter pools and energy flow dynamics
  3. Quantify changes in stream invertebrate communities, adult insect emergence, and fish communities from pre- to post-reconnection conditions
  1. ​The most comprehensive assessment of ecological responses to a river flow restoration to date
  2. Measured responses of many SGCN located in the Cache River
  3. Assessment of indirect influences on many riparian SGCN through the monitoring of aquatic invertebrates

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 9/1/16 - 9/1/19

Principle Investigator(s):

 Matt Whiles (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)

Final Report: