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Project T-17-P1

Project Title: Enhancement and Integration of Natural Resource Information Systems in Support of Illinois' Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan

Community and/or Species Focus: n/a

  1. Update the Biological Tracking and Conservation System (Biotics 4) and the Natural Areas Tracking System (NATS)
  2. Map IDNR owned, managed, and leased properties
  3. Map within Illinois River Basin to aid in wildlife conservation strategies
  1. Data pertaining to threatened and endangered species and the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory were entered into Biotics 4 and NATS
  2. Federal Geographic Data Committees compliant metadata has been created for GIS data layers and will be updated as necessary
  3. Developed Illinois Conservation Practices Tracking System

Post-Project Survey (if applicable):

​ n/a

Project Period:

 9/30/05 - 6/30/09

Principle Investigator(s):

 Tara Kieninger, Tari Tweddale, Lisa Demeule (Division of Natural Heritage, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)

Final Report: