Project T-41-D1
Project Title: Siloam Spring / Buckhorn Macrosite / Private Lands Habitat Expansion and Improvement Project
Community and/or Species Focus: Forest, Grasslands
- Provide 10 new corridors to connect block of forest or grassland habitats through restoration
- Enhance at least 150 acres of existing forest/grassland habitat
- Enroll at least 3 landowners in a long-term protection agreement for a minimum of 10 years
- Monitor success of the project through increased area and use
- Created 13 new habitat corridor connections that linked forest and grassland habitats
- Created over 200 acres of new habitat and enhanced over 1,000 acres of current habitat
- Three land management agreements were signed by landowners
- Established and conducted an annual census with preliminary results documenting the presence of 13 of the 28 SGCN that were predicted to use the area
Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a
Project Period: 2007 - 2009
Principle Investigator(s): Angella Moorehouse (Illinois Nature Preserves Commission)
Final Report: