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Project T-128-R1

Project Title: Resources for Monarch Butterfly Larvae and Adults Across Illinois Grasslands

Community and/or Species Focus: Monarch Butterfly

  1. Quality floral resources available to monarch butterflies in up to 40 grasslands on Illinois public lands
  2. Quantify milkweed densities on Illinois public lands, using the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program protocols from Monarch Joint Venture
  3. Quantify monarch butterfly use of target habitats, using the Integrated Monarch Monitoring protocols from Monarch Joint Venture
  1. ​Provide estimates of floral abundance and pollinator resources in different grassland communities
  2. Provide estimates of milkweed densities in different grassland community types
  3. Provide estimates of monarch butterfly oviposition rates in different grassland community types  

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/18 - 9/30/22

Principle Investigator(s):

 David Zaya, T.J. Benson, Brenda Molano-Flores, Greg Spyreas (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: T-128-R1