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Project T-132-R1

Project Title: Status Assessment of Odonates in Illinois

Community and/or Species Focus: Odonates

  1. Assemble historical records of odonates in Illinois from five major museum collections
  2. Analyze geolocated records to identify under-sampled geography and habitats
  3. Analyze distribution and relative abundance data to identify species that are rare, have declined in their distribution or relative abundance over time, and are associated with habitats of conservation concern that have increased in abundance or distribution over time
  4. Begin targeted field assessments of odonates in Illinois based on database analysis 
  1. ​Database of all assembled odonate records, including sources of information
  2. Assessment of short- and long-term odonate species trend
  3. Updated status assessments
  4. Identification of date deficiencies and data needs
  5. Initial field assessments
  6. Recommendations on immediate research priorities

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 1/1/21 - 12/31/23

Principle Investigator(s):

John Crawford (National Great Rivers Research and Education Center), Erika Bilger, Ethan Kessler, and Michael Dreslik (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: Project is currently underway; "Achievements" are projections of what is to be accomplished.