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Project T-137-R1

Project Title: Assessing Wellness in Wildlife Herptile Species in Greatest Need of Conservation

Community and/or Species Focus:

 Reptiles and amphibians

  1. Establish baseline health profiles for the SGCN (Blanding's Turtles, Eastern and Ornate Box Turtles)
  2. Assess the occurrence of emerging and ongoing infectious disease in SGCN (Blanding's Turtles, Eastern and Ornate Box Turtles, Eastern Massasaugas, Timber Rattlesnakes)
  3. Provide on-site or remote descriptions of project findings, specific health concerns in targeted SGCN, or presentations in emerging threats to Illinois wildlife
  1. ​Established baseline prevalence of common DNA and RNA pathogens
  2. Determined prevalence of Ophidiomyces in snakes, Ranavirus and Emydomyces in turtles
  3. Protocol for assessing health in representative species targeted by each campaign that can serve as a guide for the other taxa in each campaign

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: 10/1/21 - 12/31/24

Principle Investigator(s):

 Dr. Matt Allender (University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine)

Final Report: Project is currently underway; "Achievements" are projections of what is to be accomplished.