Project T-95-R1
Project Title: Technical Guidance on Partnership Structure and Communication Strategy to Support IWAP Implementation
Community and/or Species Focus: n/a
- Develop IWAP communications plan with associated supporting materials and implementation directions for IDNR IWAP Campaign staff
- Identify a structure for engaging conservation partners in the implementation of Illinois' WAP
- Develop detailed plans and instructions for launching the new partnership structure
- Communicated with IWAP partners about re-engaging with the IWAP
- Updated partner list and contact information
- Developed a communications plan, communication materials, and an implementation timeline to support technology transfer between conservation partners and IDNR
- Provided recommendations for an IWAP Web Page refresh, including improved communications for partners
- Developed a plan, timeline, and meeting materials for the first year of implementing the new partnership structure
Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a
Project Period: 2014 - 3/31/19
Principle Investigator(s):
Karen Lewis (Bluestem)
Final Report: