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Early Childhood - Language Arts

The following learning standards/benchmarks can be supported with use of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Trading Cards Sets 1 through 6, partially because they are useable and countable objects. Please see suggested standards/benchmarks and basic instructions for use. Feel free to adapt or modify these ideas.


1.A.ECa Follow simple one-, two- and three-step directions.

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Spread the cards out on a table. Give the students one-step instructions.

Everyone take a card.
Have the students return the cards to the table, then give the students two-step instructions.
Everyone take a card and hold it over your head.
Have the students return the cards to the table, then give the students three-step instructions.
Everyone take a card, say out loud what the image is and then trade cards with your neighbor.

1.B.ECb With teacher assistance, participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners (e.g., peers and adults in both small and large groups) about age-appropriate topics and texts.

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Have the students select one card each that represents something that they like or feel positive about. Have each student talk about why that image was chosen and discuss with all the students what is known about the item shown on the card.

1.C.ECa Describe familiar people, places, things and events and, with teacher assistance, provide additional detail.

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Have each student select one card, telling them to pick a card with an image of something they are familiar with. Have each student describe what they see on the card (round, yellow, bird, leaf, etc.). Ask the students leading questions about the details of the image (does it have feathers, is it furry, where are its eyes, etc.).

1.E.ECd With teacher assistance, explore word relationships to understand the concepts represented by common categories of words (e.g., food, clothing, vehicles).

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Have the students place the images into categories of your choosing (fur, bird, butterfly, wings, insects, etc.).

1.E.ECe With teacher assistance, use adjectives to describe people, places and things.

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Help the students use adjectives in discussing the images (red bird, blue fish, big tree, etc.).

5.C.ECa Participate in group projects or units of study designed to learn about a topic of interest.

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Have the students select an image as their topic of interest. Continue with learning more about the species or object represented on the card.

5.C.ECb With teacher assistance, recall factual information and share that information through drawing, dictation or writing.

Pick a group of cards from your deck with easily recognizable images (birds, trees, mammals, insects, etc.). Select a card and show it to the class. Give the students some facts concerning the species in the image. Use the information on the back of each card. Have the students recall the information as described in the standard.