Educational Resources
Illinois Salamanders
Aquatic Illinois Lessons Unit
Biodiversity of Illinois Searchable Index
ENTICE Workshops Web Page
Illinois' Amphibians and Reptiles Field Pack
Illinois Salamanders Poster
Kids for Conservation® Archive – April 2015, Signs of Spring
Kids for Conservation® Archive – March 2016, Illinois Salamanders
Resources Trunks and Field Packs
State Fair Tent Banners - 2024, Illinois Endangered and Threatened Species
Wild About Illinois Salamanders! webpage
Activity Books
Illinois' State Symbols (English and Spanish)
Activity book contains coloring pages and facts about the state symbols. Targeted Grades: K-6. Permission to photocopy these pages is granted for use with students in the classroom.
Slime, Scales and Mudpuppy Tails (English and Spanish)
This activity book contains information about Illinois amphibians and reptiles with illustrations to color. Targeted Grades: K-8. Permission to photocopy these pages is granted for use with students in the classroom.
The Watershed Adventures of Nate the Newt
Students can learn about watersheds with the activities in this 12-page booklet.