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Feral Hogs in Illinois

Feral Swine are Detrimental to Illinois

Feral swine are escaped animals from traditional hog operations, dumped pets, free-ranging practices and illegal releases by individuals desiring to establish populations in Illinois for recreational purposes.

These animals have a high reproductive potential and populations must be reduced by 70 percent each year simply to keep them from expanding.

Feral swine are harmful to wildlife and wildlife habitat in Illinois. They impact populations of reptiles and amphibians through direct predation and compete with white-tailed deer and turkeys for important food sources. They also destroy sensitive habitat areas through rooting and foraging.

Feral swine damage the soil by wallowing, rooting and feeding. These activities increase soil erosion, degrade water quality and damage agricultural crops and sensitive natural habitats.

Feral swine are known to carry numerous diseases and parasites that pose threats to pets, livestock, wildlife and people.

Their nocturnal habits and adaptability make them impossible to control with hunting alone, thus an integrated wildlife damage management approach employing numerous tools and techniques is required.

Have You Seen Feral Swine or Damage Caused By This Invasive Species?
Report feral swine sightings to:

Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Division of Wildlife Resources

One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL 62702-1271
Phone: 217-785-2511


USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services at 866-4-USDA-WS, Ext 100

DNR is collaborating with the USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services to eradicate feral swine in Illinois before they can become established. Your assistance is imperative to the success of this program.    

For more information regarding feral swine refer to the following Web sites and video:


By: Gary Potts