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Fishing is permitted in Grassy Lake from March 1 to October 15. Outboard motor size is limited to 10 horsepower or less. Grassy Lake is a shallow, fertile bottomland lake with catfish the primary sport fish attraction.

Excellent early spring and late summer bluegill and crappie fishing exists in Lyerla Lake. Fishing is permitted from March 1 to October 15, with outboard motor size limited to 10 horsepower or less.




Approximately 2,050 acres at the south end of the main site are designated as a Public Hunting Area. Goose and duck hunting is on a permit basis with duck permits (allowing either species to be hunted) issued from the Springfield office upon application by interested hunters. Daily fee is $10 with blinds, some rental decoys and transportation to the field provided on the area. A total of 35 blinds can accommodate 70 hunters each day, and one more blind is accessible to a disabled hunter and assistant. A 5 a.m. drawing is held each morning at the Hunter Check Station to allocate blinds to permit holders.

On the smaller Firing Line Unit area, 4 four-man blinds and a separate walk-in area can accommodate a total of 32 additional hunters a day. A draw for this area is held one hour before shooting time daily at the green barn across from the Office/Visitor Center.

On the main site, additional hunting opportunities exist for deer, squirrel, ducks and doves both on the Public Hunting Area and in the Firing Line Unit area. Additional huntable acreage exists on two satellite locations: 2,741 acres on Devil's Island Wildllife Management Area and 1,375 on Cape Bend State Fish & Wildlife Area. For more specific regulations, please see the hunter fact sheet for each specific area, or call the office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.