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The Argyle Lake State Park visitor center features several informative, hands-on displays which focus on the local flora and fauna of the park. Several hands-on displays include a track table, touch box, and animal pelts. The center features four displays from the Illinois State Museum’s traveling exhibit program including the following topics: oak-hickory forests, animal tracks, insects of Illinois, and dimorphism (the differences between the male and female of a species). Various free publications are available including several state park brochures and the Illinois State Park magazine.

Interpretive Program Schedule

General Program Information

Meet at the park visitor center for all hikes and programs unless otherwise indicated in above program descriptions. All programs are open to the general public. Please contact park staff with any special needs or concerns prior to the program date, so requested arrangements /accommodations can be made.

Bridget Hinchee

Natural Resources Coordinator: Bridget Hinchee

Contact Information:
Argyle Lake State Park
640 Argyle Park Road
Colchester, IL 62326