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Stony Creek - Shepherd Farm

On September 9th-11th, 2015, approximately 110,000 gallons of concentrated livestock waste discharged into Stony Creek near Muncie, IL (Vermilion Co).  On September 11th, response agencies were deployed and found the pollution event affected a 10 mile stretch of Stony Creek and the Salt Fork of the Vermillion River, directly resulting in the deaths of an estimated 98,747 fish, including the state threatened River Redhorse and the state endangered Bluebreast Darter and Bigeye Chub.  The effected stream system is of high quality, including the presence of freshwater mussels.  A post spill mussel evaluation was conducted and the level of mortality observed was low, arguably within the realm of natural variability. 

In December 2017, the IDNR, represented by the Illinois Attorney General, reached a settlement with the responsible party. The settlement funds will be used to implement one or more restoration projects in or adjacent to Stony Creek and the Salt Fork in the Vermillion River watershed.  IDNR will be evaluating potential restoration projects to improve the quality of the effected stream system, including strengthening the sustainability of the system, making it less vulnerable to future disturbances.

  A restoration plan with opportunity for public review and comment will be available in the future.

Documents - Monitoring

None at this time.

Documents - Restoration

None at this time.

Documents - Settlement