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It is the policy of the Department to manage properties under its jurisdiction in a manner consistent with its role as a statewide natural resource/outdoor recreation agency, and to protect the resources at the site and provide safety and security of the site visitor. Responses to requests for placement must weigh the relative impact of this use against the potential program impacts which may be anticipated. All requests for placement shall be regulated by the procedures found in the Procedures Section of this policy. The Department highly encourages the use of "virtual" caches rather than actual caches which require the placement of a physical container at a site. No Geocaches may be placed in Nature Preserves or Land and Water Reserves on IDNR sites without specific special use permit or written permission under administrative rules regulating these sites. (17 Admin 4000, 4010)

  1. General Provisions

    All requests for Geocache placement on Department managed properties will be in writing and must be submitted to the Site Superintendent for approval and authorization.

  2. Required Information
    At a minimum the following information is required to be submitted with each request before the approval process will begin:

    • Proposed Geocache location shown on USGS 7.5 minute Topographic Map.
    • Name and contact information of person(s) or organization requesting authorization for placement of Geocache.
    • List of items to be initially placed in Geocache.
    • Representative example, actual container, or picture of container to be used for Geocache.

  3. Criteria for Review of Proposals
    The following list if criteria will be looked at when determining the relative impact of this use of Department managed properties. Additional site specific factors may need to be taken into consideration. 

    • Impact to Threatened and/or Endangered Species
    • Is proposed location of Geocache consistent with the current designated land use?
    • Designated Hunting Area
    • Sensitive Wetland, vegetation or wildlife habitat area where disturbance from activity or
      trampling could occur.
    • Nature Preserve
    • Cultural or Historic Site
    • Wildlife Rest Area
    • Would area present physical challenges or hazards and introduce site users to unnecessary risks?

  4. Requirements for Geocache
    Once approved for placement the Geocache must meet the following requirements. Violation of any of these requirements will necessitate immediate removal of Geocache by Department personnel.

    • Container must be made of clear (see through) material, with a size no greater than 4" x 8" x 12".
    • Geocache must not contain any food items.
    • Geocache must not contain any inappropriate, offensive, or hazardous materials.
    • Geocache will not be attached or buried and no vegetation or natural features will be disturbed in any manner.
  5. Requirement for Geocache Owners

    Once approved for placement the Geocache owners must meet the following requirements. Violation of any of these requirements will necessitate immediate removal of Geocache by Department personnel.

    • Geocache must be checked at least every 30 days. Proof of check will be by e-mail, letter, or
      personal communication by the Geocache owner with the Site Superintendent.
    • Notice on Geocache web site must state the following information:
    • Geocache is placed on Department managed property with permission.
    • Do not place the following items in the Geocache: Food items, inappropriate, offensive, or
      hazardous materials.
    • It is the visitors responsibility or orient themselves with policies and rules pertaining to this
      Department managed site.