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Project T-96-R1

Project Title: Conservation Guidance for Species in Greatest Need of Conservation (SGNC)

Community and/or Species Focus: SGCN

  1. Engage IDNR staff and other stakeholders to identify conservation guidance needs
  2. Develop a consistent process for assembling conservation guidance documents for state-listed species that complements the IWAP
  3. Develop a series of conservation guidance documents for SGNC that are frequently subject to Incidental Take Authorizations (ITAs)
  4. Establish required elements for the conservation plan submitted to IDNR for ITA and develop instructions for applicants to ensure elements are delivered
  1. ​Interview questions were developed and implemented on stakeholders in order to elicit their experiences and needs surrounding endangered species consultation and ITAs
  2. Conservation planning documents were reviewed and analyzed to identify elements that are important to conservation planning and species guidance documents
  3. A template was developed with instructions for producing conservation guidance documents
  4. Species guidance documents have been developed for 8 species, and 37 others are underway
  5. ITA related regulations and documents were reviewed

Post-Project Survey (if applicable): n/a

Project Period: Ended in November 2017

Principle Investigator(s):

 Leon Hinz, Bridget Henning (Illinois Natural History Survey)

Final Report: