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Field Trials

Image is from the April 1999 cover of "Outdoor Illinois" by IDNR chief photographer (retired) Ben Linkhart. Image features a field trial horseback gallery at the Illinois Open 

Shooting Dog Championship at the Green River State Wildlife Area in Lee County, Illinois.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) issues Field Trial Permits for the following types of trials:

  • Coon Hound Field Events
  • Field Trials on Private property
  • Field Trials on Department properties (see Class A and Class B Field Trial sites below)

Instructions: Follow the payment link above, and select "Make a One-Time Payment" on the bottom left hand side. In the "Payment Category" dropdown box, select "Field Trials". Then enter club name, site, and other information requested. Then click on "Add Item" and Checkout. Follow the remaining instructions to complete payment. 

IDNR Properties where Field Trials are conducted

See Class 'A' Field Trial Sites List Below - IDNR owned or managed sites that accommodate a variety and substantial number of sporting dog field trial types. The types of field trials include horseback and walking pointing dog field trials, horseback fox hound field trials, retriever field trials, spaniel field trials, beagle hound field trials, and competitive coon hound field events. These sites include the requirements of field trials in the planning and implementation of wildlife and resource management. Facilities necessary to support field trials (e.g., field trial headquarters building, stable, adequate parking, dog kennels, corral, pasture) are often available at these sites.

See Class B Field Trial Sites List Below - IDNR owned or managed sites that accommodate a variety but smaller number of field trial opportunities. Field trial requirements are not included in wildlife and resource management planning and implementation at these sites. Facilities to support field trials are typically not developed at these sites.

