Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Parking - The park office and the boat ramp parking lots are asphalt with accessible parking spaces. There is approximately 20' to the concrete sidewalk at the office. The park office has a wooden wheelchair ramp. Park office door has an ADA accessible handle.
Restrooms - Accessible vault toilets are available at the boat launch, picnic area, park office, Milliken Lake, and west parking lot of the East Grounds.
Boating - There is an accessible boat dock with a wooden deck and an aluminum ramp. There is an approximate 120' distance from the parking lot to the boat dock using the concrete sidewalk.
Fishing - The fishing pier at Milliken Lake is concrete with an approximate distance of 120' feet using the sidewalk to the parking area.
Picnicking - The picnic area by the Kankakee River has an accessible concrete pad, picnic table and grill
Archery/Trap Range - The archery and trap ranges have designated accessible parking spaces.
Hunting - The park offers disabled pheasant hunting by permit only. You must have a standing vehicle permit to register.
Service animals are welcome in the park, but there are no outdoor water fountains.