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NRDA Restoration Project Fact Sheet

Frequently asked questions

1. What is a Natural Resource Damage Assessment Restoration (NRDAR) Project?

A NRDAR Project is a project that efficiently utilizes restoration funds with the intent to restore, rehabilitate, and/or replace habitats of injured resources (including groundwater) and the services the habitats provide. These projects can be intensive efforts, intended to quickly return resources to pre-existing conditions, or less intensive with the intent to allow the resources to recover naturally with minimal management activities.

2. What is the NRDAR Project Idea Bank?

The purpose of the NRDAR Project Idea Bank is to collect ideas from the public for potential NRDA restoration projects. Submitted ideas will be considered during the restoraton planning process.

3. What projects are appropriate for the NRDA Project Idea Bank?

Projects that restore/enhance, rehabilitate, create and/or replace habitats of injured resources and the services that that habitats provide. These projects can be in the form of a restoration action, land acquisition, education, and/or monitoring.

Projects should be in the general vicinty of an NRDA injury, commonly within the same watershed as the injury. However, if a project can be justified as one that compensates for the resources lost as a reukt of the injury, the project will be considered as an alternative.

4. What types of projects have been considered for and/or implemented with NRDAR funds?
5. How can I submit an idea?

To submit your idea, click on "Submit Project Idea" below and complete the NRDAR Project Proposal Form. You may include any images or plans that help illustrate the project. Once complete please send an email with subject heading "NRDAR Project Proposal" to

6. For additional information, please contact

Tom Heavisides, IDNR NRDA Program Manager, ph: 217-782-6752.