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Off-Highway Vehicle Grant Program


What is the Off-Highway Vehicle Program?

The Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) grant program provides financial aid to government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and other eligible groups or individuals to develop, operate, maintain, and acquire land for off-highway vehicle parks and trails. These facilities must be open and accessible to the public. The program can also help restore areas damaged by unauthorized OHV use. Funds for the grant program come from the State Treasurer's "Off-Highway Vehicle Trails Fund," which includes revenues from OHV usage stamps. The administrative rule for this program can be found here.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2021

Grant Amount: Up to $350,000.

Match: OHV grants do not require local matching funds.

Eligible Applicants: Units of local government, Private OHV Clubs or organizations in Illinois having Not-for-Profit Incorporation status, Business Entities, Private Individuals.

Application Fees: The OHV program requires a non-refundable application fee. This fee is calculated as 1/4 of 1% (0.0025%) of the grant request. There is a minimum fee of $100 and a maximum fee of $300.

Insurance Requirement: Entities other than governmental bodies must possess minimum liability insurance coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence on the facilities to be operated under the scope of the proposed project application.

Prequalification: ALL applicants must be registered on the State of Illinois Grantee Portal prior to the application deadline date. Click here​ for more information on GATA prequalification.

Award Announcement: Awards are generally announced within 180 days following the application deadline date.

Frequently Asked Questions and Previously Funded Sites: Review FAQ's and view a list of previously funded sites.

What types of projects are eligible for grants?

Examples of eligible project activities include:

  • cost of land acquisition from willing sellers for OHV trails and scramble areas
  • construction, rehabilitation, maintenance and design for OHV trails/routes and scramble areas
  • restoration of areas damaged by OHV usage
  • rider education and safety programs
  • cost of facility security

Grant assistance from this program cannot be used for the following purposes:

  • land acquisition through eminent domain
  • construction of OHV trails and areas on DNR owned and managed lands, and on U.S. Forest Service lands designated as wilderness or currently not authorized for such use by an approved management plan.

2021 Application Materials

Previous Grant Manuals

2021 OHV Advisory Board Meeting

When: October 7, 2021 at 9:00 AM CT
Where: Call-in only
How: Call-in Number: 415-655-0002 Meeting ID: 2469 877 1815