ESPB Species Recovery
The Endangered Species Protection Board (ESPB/Board) and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR/Department) work together on endangered and threatened species recovery planning and while the ESPB may assist, the IDNR is the lead agency responsible for implementing recovery actions.
It is the Board’s authority to determine whether, based on scientific evidence, animal and plant species are Illinois endangered or threatened. The Board is required to review and revise the Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Species (Illinois List) as warranted, but no less often than every five years. Relative to this duty, Illinois Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Plans (ESPB E&T Recovery Plans) require Board approval. Other parties may elect to develop recovery plans without Board approval; however, in conducting any of its business, the Board may not consider described recovery activities and status review measures contained in plans other than those approved by the Board.
Available below for download are all species recovery plans that have been approved by the ESPB and other informational documents. Because digital versions of some documents are not available, the PDFs of some plans were produced by scanning hard-copy documents, so the resolution and print quality varies. Additional recovery plans and other documents will be posted as they become available.
Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) and Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
Status Review Triggers and Recovery Outline for Grassland Raptors, Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) and Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus). 2010.Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Peregrine Falcon Reclassification Goals. 2000 with revision in 2009.Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Species Recovery Success Story: Bald Eagle Delisted in 2009.Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Status Review Triggers and Recovery Outline for the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). 2010.Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanachus cupido)
Plan for the Recovery of the Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) in Illinois. 2004.Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
The Illinois Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Recovery Plan. 2010.
IL Barn Owl Recovery Plan - 2011 Implementation Accomplishments Report.
IL Barn Owl Recovery Plan - 2013 Implementation Accomplishments Report.
Help Bring Back The Barn Owl (brochure).
Eastern Woodrat (Neotoma floridana)
Eastern Woodrat (Neotoma floridana) Recovery Plan. 2003.
Status Review Criteria for the Eastern Woodrat (Neotoma floridana). 2009.Golden Mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli)
Status Review Criteria for the Golden Mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli). 2009.Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris)
Status Review Triggers and Recovery Outline for Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris). 2009.
- Eryngium Stem Borer (Papaipema eryngii)
Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Eryngium Stem Borer (Papaipema eryngii). 2014.
Carex alata (Broad-winged Sedge)
Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Carex alata (Broad-winged Sedge). 2014.
Clematis viorna (Leatherflower)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Clematis viorna (Leatherflower). 2014.
Heteranthera reniformis (Mud-plantain)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Heteranthera reniformis (Mud-plantain). 2014.
Hypericum adpressum (Creeping St. Johnwort)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Hypericum adpressum (Creeping St. Johnwort). 2014.
Iresine rhizomatosa (Bloodleaf)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Iresine rhizomatosa (Bloodleaf). 2014.
Penstemon tubaeflorus (Beardtongue)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Penstemon tubaeflorus (Beardtongue). 2014.
Polygonum arifolium (Halbred Leaf Tearthumb)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Polygonum arifolium (Halbred Leaf Tearthumb). 2014.
Silene regia (Royal Catchfly)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Silene regia (Royal Catchfly). 2014.
Styrax americana (American Snowbell)Recovery Outline with Status Review Triggers for Styrax americana (American Snowbell). 2014.