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List Review and Revision - ESTACs

Endangered Species Technical Advisory Committees

To assist with the review and revision of the Illinois List, the Board has established Endangered Species Technical Advisory Committees (ESTACs) comprising individuals with expertise in the following taxonomic groups: plants, mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles, fish, terrestrial invertebrates, and aquatic invertebrates. During the list revision process, the ESTACs convene to review available data on listed species and discuss additional species for which listing may be warranted. The committees vote on recommendations for changes to the List and members submit petitions to the Board in support of these recommendations. The ESTACs are also available to advise the Board on endangered and threatened species issues, such as conservation measures and research needs.

The composition of the ESTACs will be reviewed at the beginning of each list revision. Anyone who wishes to be considered as an ESTAC member may contact the Board at The request should include the name of the specific ESTAC, a statement explaining the interest in serving, and a resume or curriculum vitae, if available.

2025 Review and Revision of the Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Species

The appointment of ESTAC members for the 2025 revision process was approved by the Board at the following meetings: Mammal, Avian, Amphibian/Reptile, Fish, and Aquatic Invertebrate ESTACs, 194th meeting; Terrestrial Invertebrate and Plant ESTACs, 195th meeting. Members were added to the Amphibian/Reptile, Fish, and Aquatic Invertebrate ESTACs at the 195th meeting and additional members of the Terrestrial Invertebrate and Plant ESTACs were approved at the 196th meeting.

The following table includes agendas and minutes for all ESTAC meetings during the 2025 list review and revision. Because of the large number of listed plant species, the Plant ESTAC holds regional meetings to discuss plants of northern, central and western, and southern Illinois. Individuals with local botanical expertise are invited to attend the regional meetings.

Meeting Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
Plant February 26, 2024 Plant Agenda (wrap-up) Plant Minutes (wrap-up)
Mammal January 31, 2024 Mammal Agenda Mammal Minutes 
Fish November 9, 2023 Fish Agenda Fish Minutes
Plant November 6, 2023 
Plant Agenda (southern species) Plant Minutes (southern species)
Aquatic Invertebrate October 19, 2023 Aquatic Invertebrate Agenda
Aquatic Invertebrate Minutes
Plant  August 21, 2023 Plant Agenda (central/ western species) Plant Minutes (central/ western species)
Amphibian/Reptile (Herp) August 16, 2023 Amphibian/Reptile Agenda Amphibian/Reptile Minutes
Avian May 30, 2023 Avian Agenda Avian Minutes
Plant  May 15, 2023  Plant Agenda (northern species) Plant Minutes (northern species)
Terrestrial Invertebrate
December 1, 2022 Terrestrial Invertebrate Agenda Terrestrial Invertebrate Minutes

2020 Review and Revision of the Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Species

The appointment of ESTAC members for the 2020 revision process was approved by the Board at the following meetings: Avian ESTAC, 170th meeting; Fish and Amphibian/Reptile ESTACs, 172nd meeting; Terrestrial and Aquatic Invertebrate ESTACs, 173th meeting; Mammal ESTAC, 174th meeting; Plant ESTAC, 176th meeting.

The following table includes agendas and minutes for all ESTAC meetings during the 2020 list review and revision. Because of the large number of listed plant species, the Plant ESTAC held regional meetings to discuss plants of northern, central and western, and southern Illinois. Individuals with local botanical expertise were invited to attend the regional meetings.



February 6, 2019​

Plant Agenda (wrap-up meeting) Plant Minutes* (wrap-up meeting)


November 9, 2018​

Plant Agenda ​ (southern species)

Plant Minutes (southern species)


August 24, 2018

Plant Agenda
(northern species)

Plant Minutes (northern species)


May 25, 2018

Plant Agenda (central/western species)

Plant Minutes (central/western species)


September 21, 2017

Mammal Agenda

Mammal Minutes*

​​Terrestrial Invertebrate

​May 15, 2017

Terrestrial Invertebrate Agenda​​

Terrestrial Invertebrate Minutes*

Aquatic Invertebrate

​May 2, 2017​

​​Aquatic Invertebrate Agenda

Aquatic Invertebrate Minutes*


April 12, 2017

Fish Agenda

Fish Minutes*

Amphibian/Reptile (Herp)

​March 1, 2017

Amphibian/Reptile Agenda

Amphibian/Reptile Minutes*


September 29, 2016​

Avian Agenda​

Avian Minutes*

*ESTACs are not public bodies that make policy decisions; these minutes were approved by the ESPB.