Special Funds Grants
Frequently asked questions
- 1. Where can I learn about IDNR grant opportunities?
- 2. How do I join IDNR’s grant opportunity email list?
- 3. What are the grants administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources?
- 4. How do we prequalify for a grant?
- 5. Does IDNR offer any resources on how improve the competitiveness of our application?
- 6. The contact person for our grant has changed. How do we inform IDNR?
- 7. My organization applied for a grant and we haven’t heard back. What are typical grant review timeframes? Who can I contact with questions?
- 8. What’s the best way to contact IDNR about an issue regarding an active grant?
- 9. How do we submit a FOIA request regarding a grant-funded project?
- 10. It doesn’t look like IDNR has a grant program that fits my project. How can I get information about grant programs through other state agencies?
Register in the grant portal at http://www.grants.illinois.gov/portal/
Read the Notice of Funding Opportunity carefully, pay attention to scoring criteria and address each item in your project narrative, following all instructions carefully and providing a descriptive and complete application package including a complete project narrative.
Send an email to your Special Fund Grants Administrator Susan.Duke@Illinois.gov or to the general Grants email address .
The Grant Committees typically meet to score and rank grant applications within eight weeks of the closing date on a Notice of Funding Opportunity. Send an email to your Special Fund Grants Administrator Susan.Duke@Illinois.gov or to the general Grants email address DNR.Grant@illinois.gov.
Send an email to your Special Fund Grants Administrator Susan.Duke@Illinois.gov or to the general Grants email address DNR.Grant@illinois.gov.