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Downloadable Trunk Information
Aquatic Illinois Resources Trunk
Aquatic Illinois activities list and sample activity promo page
Aquatic Invasive Plants and Their Look-Alikes
Aquatic Resources of Illinois activity book
Biodiversity of Illinois CD-ROMs Conversion to Web-based Format promo
Biodiversity of Illinois Video: Illinois Biodiversity Basics
Biodiversity of Illinois Video: Supplemental Activities promo pages
Correlation to Learning Standards
Geography of the Upper Illinois Valley and History of Development table of contents
Great Lakes in My World activities list
IDNR Division of Education promo sheet
IDNR Lending Trunks promo sheets
Illinois Biodiversity CD-ROM activities sheet
Illinois Wetlands: An Interdisciplinary Study activities
Large Rivers of Illinois poster guide
mini plankton net instructions
Recursos Acuaticos de Illinois activity book
The Illinois and Michigan Canal, A Study in Economic History table of contents