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Flood Preparedness

#Flood Fact: Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling. #floodsafety

Prepare before a #flood by installing a water alarm in your basement.  #floodsafety

30: The number of days it takes for flood insurance to begin. Don’t wait until it’s too late!  #floodsafety

Make a #FloodSafety plan with your family.

Get the tips & info here:   

Find out if your home or business is at risk for #flood and educate yourself on the impact it could have. . Reduce the impact of #flooding; elevate the furnace, water heater and electric panel in your home.

#Flood losses are not typically covered under renter and homeowner’s insurance policies. Consider flood insurance. 

Find out if your home or business is at risk for #flood and educate yourself on the impact it could have.

Reduce the impact of #flooding; elevate the furnace, water heater and electric panel in your home.

Gather the supplies you may need in case a flood leaves you without power, water or gas. Supply list:


Learn your flood risk by entering your address into the FEMA Map Service Center site, #FloodSafety

Are you floodsmart? Learn about the National Flood Insurance Program and prepare today:  #FloodSafety

Driving through flooded roadways can be deadly.

Watch & share this @NWS video to see why:


#Flood Fact: A foot of water will float many vehicles. #floodsafety