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OWR Mobile

Android and Apple iPhone/iPad Apps

  • FEMA Mobile App - Alerts from the National Weather Service: Receive severe weather alerts for up to five locations across the U.S. and see information about how to stay safe. Upload and share photos of damage and recovery efforts. Save a custom list of the items in your family's emergency kit, as well as the places you will meet in case of an emergency. Locate and receive driving directions to open shelters and disaster recovery centers. Safety tips. Apply for assistance: Easily access to apply for federal disaster assistance.

  • IDNR Damages - A software modeling tool published by IDNR/OWR and used to determine the average annual flood damages from multiple storm events, the frequency structures are flooded, the economic benefits of flood control projects, flood easement costs, and the total damage occurring from a single flood event.

  • USGS Mobile Water Data - A map of stream gages, in Beta currently, highlights current condition data near your mobile device.

  • USGS FloodWatch App - Monitor river and stream height and rainfall totals with ease. Keep an eye on flooding conditions near you.  (iPhone and Android)

  • USGS WaterAlert - Receive automatic alerts to your phone when real-time collected data exceeds user-defined thresholds.

  • USGS WaterNow - Current conditions for water data directly to your mobile phone or email. Send an email or text message containing a USGS current-conditions gaging site number and quickly receive a reply with its most recent observations.