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Archive for WPF Research Grants

The grants that are not hyperlinked have no associated report.

2015-L15W Health Assessment and Ranavirus Investigation in the Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Following a Ranavirus Outbreak in Illinois: Boykin spaniels are used for box turtle searches. Lab supplies needed to determine the prevalence of emerging diseases of turtles Research
2015-L12W Understanding Mate Preferences of Female Translocated Greater Prairie-Chickens in Illinois: Genetic materials and supplies to cover genotyping. Research
2015-L08W Demography, Stress, and Diet of the Ornate Box Turtle (Terrapene oranta) in the Sand Hills of Will and Grundy Counties, Illinois: To characterize population size,population density, sex ratios, age distribution, size distribution, juvenile to adult ratios, and home range size of T. ornata. Research
2015-024W Safe Passage: The Hose Bridge as a Model Conduit System during Seasonal Peaks in the Migration of Small Diumal Snakes: To test the efficacy of a conduit system that is temporarily deployed at specific locations along roads where small snakes migrate in relatively high densities.(Fox Ridge SP) Research
2015-013W Age and Fire Chronology of Presettlement Red Cedar on Cliff Escarpments of Fults Hill Prairie: The goal of this study is to document the presettlement fire history and climatic fluctuations of Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve. Research
2014-L16W Effects of White-nose Sydrome on Reproduction & Survival in Illinois Cave-hibernating Bat Species: This study is an expansion of field studies of Myotis lucifugus (little brown bat) and Eptesicus fuscus (big brown bat) maternal colonies in Adams Co., and expands to Vermilion & Johnson Counties. Research
2013-024W The Role of Soil microbial Communities in Regulating the Success of Prairie Restorations: This project will provide initial evidence of whether soil microbial communities can be used as a prairie restoration tool to generate more diverse prairies. Research
2012-L22W Ecological Factors Affecting Reproduction and Survival in Cave-Hibernating Bats: Determine the relationship between roost temperature & parturition date in cave-hibernating bat species and monitor cave-hibernating bat species for fungus associated with White-Nose Syndrome. Research
2012-L11W Loggerhead Shrike research proposal at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie: Locate nesting territories, assess site re-use/fidelity rates, trap and band adult shrikes, recapture previously banded shrikes, determine age ratio of breeding and number of breeding pair and single birds Research
2012-L01W Chicago Botanic Garden Plants of Concern: To study and protect Illinois Rare Plants in northeastern Illinois through long-term monitoring. Research
2011-L31W The Effects of Bottomland Forest Restoration on the Breeding Bird Community in the Cache River Watershed - Yr 2 Research
2010-L19W Bird communities, biomass, and carbon sequestration in habitat restorations in northwest Illinois: Examine bird conservation in early successional habitats at Witkowsky Wildlife Area and the Salem Unit of the Apple River Canyon SP. Research
2009-L20W Resurrecting Illinois' Biological Heritage, Reintroduction of a Locally Extirpated Stonefly Acroneuria frisoni Stark & Brown 1991, Frison's Stonefly: To determine where appropriate populations of this species reside in IL and adjacent states, populations that match genetic characteristics of ones that were lost during the first half of the 20th Century. Research
2009-L19W Distribution, abundance, and habitat use of Jefferson Salamander, a threatened species with a restricted range in Illinois: Continue and expand sampling surveys of potential wetlands for additional populations of species; determine detection rates habitat occupancy estimates and abundance of species; quantify habitat characteristics of sampled wetlands; revise the known distribution of species. Research
2009-L18W Strategies for recovery of an amphibian and reptile inhabiting sand areas in the Illinois River Valley: To lay the groundwork for succesful conservation and reintroduction of the Illinois chorus frog and the Illinois mud turtle by determining their distribution, abundance, and reproductive success Research
2009-L17W A Survey of Litter and Soil Invertebrates in Burned Oak Forests: To assess the impact of low-intensity prescribed fire on invertebrates across a fire chronosequence of Morton Arboretum oak forests. Research
2009-L11W Status of Two Rare Plants: Stickleaf (Mentzelia oligosperma, Loasacceae) and Rock Pink (Talinum calycinum) in Western and Southwestern Illinois: To conduct herbarium searches to determine historic populations of plants; determine their status; search for new populations; propose management and protection activities for each Research
2009-L03W A Post Release Study of Barn Owl Survival and Dispersal in Northeastern Illinois: To determine if barn owls can survive and successfully reproduce in northeastern IL by tracking and monitoring their survival and nesting sites Research
2009-L01W Plants of Concern: Mobilizing Citizen Scientists to Protect Illinois' Rare Plants through Long-Term Monitoring: To collect standardized monitoring data on rare plants on formerly monitored and additional accurrences to report on a cumulative 50-55% of northeastern IL listed EOR's. Research
2009-025W Within Season Movements of Yellow-Breasted Chats (Icteria virens): To band and attach a radio transmitter to 30 of these birds to track territory and movements of this shrubland bird Research
2009-009W An Assessment of Canine Presence in Carpenter Park Nature Preserve, Springfield, IL: To determine whether canine presence in Carpenter Park is increasing; if owners are obeying the new regulation and are leashing their dogs; if the dogs are staying on trail; and if interactions are occurring between dogs and wildlife. Research
2008-L23W Wetland Occupancy and Connectivity Patterns of Blanding's and Western Painted Turtles in the Green River Valley: To survey all wetlands in a 92000-ha area in Lee county to assess how landscape structure affects the distribution and connectivity of the Blanding's Turtle using the Western Painted Turtle as a camparison species. Research
2008-L22W New Invaders Watch List: Mapping Target Plants and Adding New Species: To assist in adding 5 new target plant species to the New Invaders Watch List (NIWL) and the building of an interactive web mapping of occurrencce records in the Chicago Wilderness area. Research
2008-L17W Illinois Cave Amphipod Recharge Area Delineation in Monroe County, IL: For contractural services related to dye-tracing activities of the recharge ares important to the Federally Endangered Illinois Cave Amphipod. Research
2008-L13W Avian Ecological Investigation: 25 Years Later: To obtain abundance and distribution information of breeding birds and the collection of vegetation stratum ranking information. Also to collect transect and census points with a GPS unit so further avian analysis can be done. Research
2008-037W The impact of the invasive species Coronilla varia (crown vetch) on pollinator guild and pollen deposition to stigmas of native prairie plant species: To determine the pollinator guild in areas with crown vetch and the impact of crown vetch on pollen deposition to stigmas of native prairie plant species. Research
2008-034W Ecophysiology of the Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus c. catenatus): To capture approximately 60 Eastern Massasaugas with equal numbers of male, female and juveniles; measure resting metabolic rates; digestive efficiency; and calculate an energy budget. All of this will be used to test several hypotheses to assist in predicting the response to future management stratagies. Research
2007-L27W Nesting ecology of the Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) at the Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve, Will County, IL : To identify the nesting habitats of Blanding's turtle at LPNP. Research
2007-L26W Early Stages of Plant Succession at the Green River State Wildlife Area : To study the early successional communities that are the result of management practices that burned through the peat exposing the mineral soil. Research
2007-L25W Status of darters in the Wabash River Basin in Illinois, and its implications on recovery actions for three listed freshwater mussels : A comprehensive study to examine the distribution of darters and compare it to the distributions of clubshell (P.clava), snuffbox (E. camurum), and northern riffleshell (E. rangiana) mussels. Research
2007-L24W Using Stable-isotopes in Bird Feathers to Assess the Benefits of Local Conservation Actions : To assess the effectiveness of local conservation actions that increase the nesting success of birds and measure the benefits of local conservation actions by studying the stable-isotope signature of feathers collected from the Neotropical migratory Prothonotary Warblers that are newly recruited into the local breeding population in the Cache River Watershed. Research
2007-L23W The Restoration of Wetland Bird Communities along the Illinois River : To investigate how wetland birds select breeding habitats and how productive birds are at these habitats in the Illinois River Valley Research
2007-L22W Survey of the River Cooter (Pseudemys concinna) in Southern Illinois : To survey backwater habitats along the Ohio/Wabash River Valley for both new and historic river cooter populations; obtain blood samples for toxicological and genetic analyses; use GIS to examine current habitat use Research
2007-L21W Tree Growth and Chronological Change in Old Growth Forests of the Chicago Region: To support tree-ring analysis of cores that have been collected from almost 600 trees growing in 27 old growth and old-second growth forests and analyze to determine ages and rate of growth. Research
2007-L16W Conservation genetics of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake from the Carlyle Lake Region, Clinton County, IL : Conservation genetic analyses of massasaugas from Lake Carlyle in an effort to determine the degree to which habitat fragmentation and loss of genetic variability may threaten the persistence of these populations. Research
2007-L15W Influence of Ecological Contaminants on State Endangered Common (Sterna hirundo) and Forster's (Sterna forsteri) Terns in Illinois : To determine the toxicological impacts on the study population of tern colonies. Research
2007-L11W Mine Stability and Implications for Bat Conservation Across North America : purchase the temperature data-loggers for use in determining the stability of silica mines as use as hibernacula by Indiana Bats. Research
2007-008W Comparison of avian nest success among linear wooded habitats in an agriculturally fragmented landscape: To determine the nesting success rates of shrub-nesting birds in linear habitats. Research
2005-L27W Cache Hydrologic History: To collect, organize and interpret scientific and observational data associated with the ecological disturbance and subsequent restoration of the diversity of natural communities found within the Cache River Watershed. Alexander, Johnson, Massac, Pulaski & Union Counties, Illinois Research
2005-027W The Effects of Water Quality on the Breeding Ecology of the Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) in Illinois: To determine how water quality affects insect emergence in several wetlands; examine how surrounding landscape use affects these waters' quality and therein affects yellow-headed blackbirds along with other bird species in these wetlands. Cook, DuPage, McHenry and Lake Counties, IL. Research
2005-026W Evaluation of Newbury Weirs (Rock Riffles) for Improving Habitat Quality and Biotic Diversity in Illinois Streams: To determine the short-term and long-term effects of Newbury Weirs (rock riffles) on stream quality through assessment of physical habitat, macroinvertebrate communities, and fish assemblages, Knox County, Illinois Research
2004-041W Reproductive biology and seed germination of the federally endangered Dalea foliosa in Illinois Research
2004-039W Diel Periodicity of a small Midwestern stream riffle fish assemblage, with comments on electroshocking and kick seining comparisons Research
2004-038W An investigation of hybridization between the rediscovered Baptisia tinctoria (wild yellow indigo) and Baptisia lactea (white wild indigo) Research
2004-031W Invasion of the exotic Japanese bush clover (kummerowia striata) in shale barrens: Distinguish factors that limit the distribution and spread of K. striata in shale barrens; incorporate information collected and existing literature to develop a Vegetation Management Guideline to be included in the Vegetation Management Manual. Research
2004-029W Population genetics of introduced populations of the fringed darter: Genetic analysis of samples to augment preliminary analyses; continued monitoring of the introduced populations at 2 sites. Research
2004-007W Impact of Geologial and Meteorological Factors on the Dsjunct Distribution of Lesquerella ludoviciana (Silvery bladderpod) in Illinois: To understand what parameters affect the disjunct distribution of L. Ludoviciana in Illinois Research
2003-051W Genetic Diversity of Dioscorea oppositifolia, and Invasive Exotic in Southern Illinois: A Preliminary Report Research
2003-041W Report on Red-Shouldered Hawk Inventories and Monitoring in the Milan Bottoms - Year 2002 Research
2003-038W Shawnee Caves Cave Use Study - Study to determine the amount of human visitation at 4 southern Illinois caves (Guthrie Cave and Riches Cave - Union County, Ava Cave-Jackson County, Equality/Cave Hill Cave - Saline County Research
2003-034W Thermal and Behavioral Relationships in the Eastern massasauga Rattlesnake, Sistrurus c. catenatus Research
2003-032W Conduct investigation to determine the Reproductive Ecology of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake at Carlyle Lake in Clinton County Research
2003-031W Mileage, contractual and commodity expenses associated with the study of Population ecology of Franklin's ground squirrel in east-central Illinois. Research
2003-030W Effects of Mammalian mast predators on acorn survival and germination: Mileage reimbursement and acorns for the study of the effects of mammalian mast predators on acorn survival and germination in Vermilion and Champaign county. Research
2003-027W An investigation of hybridization between the threatened Solidago sciaphila (cliff goldenrod) and the common Solidago hispida (hairy goldenrod) at Mississippi Palisades State Park and Apple Canyon State Park in Carroll and JoDaviess Counties Research
2003-014W Research to examine the effects of sugar maple removal on macrofungi in Baber's Woods Nature Preserve and Jobst's Woods in Edgar County. Research
2002-L05W Risks to Black-Crowned Night-Herons from Contaminated Sediments in the Calumet Region: Ecology and Contaminant Exposure of Lake Calument Black-crowned Night Herons: Population Levels and Nesting Ecology Research
2002-029W Reproductive Biology of Silvery Bladderpod, an Illinois Endangered Plant: Seed Vigor and Population Size of Silvery Bladderpod (Lesquerella ludoviciana) as affected by Colony Research
2002-020W Bat Use of Bridges and Installed Roosting Boxes Research
2002-019W Distribution and Life History Aspects of Etheostoma crossopterum (Percidae), the Fringed Darter, in the Cache River Drainage, Illinois Research
2002-018W A mark/recapture study to estimate movement and dispersal of non-game stream fish: Fish Assemblage Dynamics in an Advetitious Stream: A Landscape Perspective Research
2002-017W Effects of Human Recreation on Bird Species in a Nature Preserve Research
2002-011W Proposal to Examine reoccupation rates at Red-Shouldered Hawk Nesting Sites within the Milan Bottoms - Year 2001 Research
2002-010W Shawnee Caves Cave Use Study FY2002 Annual Report Research
2002-005W Cohort Specific Growth and Survival in the River Cooter Research
2002-003W Habitat Selection and activity patterns in Eastern box turtles (Terrapene Carolina) Research
2002-002W The effects of Armu Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) on tree regeneration Research
2001-L20W Natural History and Habitat Utilization of Spring Cavefish (Forbesichthys agassizi) in Southern Illinois. Research
2001-L07W The Ecology and Conservation of the Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus) in Northeast Illinois Research
2001-L06W Site Fidelity and Return Rates of Grasshopper Sparrows at Three Sand Prairies in Northwest Illinois Research
2001-057W Properties of Symbiotic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Isolated from Common and Endangered Legumes Research
2001-049W Use of Genetic Markers to Evaluate Pattern of Dispersal of an Exotic Species in Illinois Reservoirs Research
2001-044W Natural Community Restoration at the Ballard Nature Center Research
2001-038Wb Reproductive Potential of the Endangered Species Sylisma pickeringii Research
2001-038Wa Reproductive Potential of the Endangered Species Sylisma pickeringii Research
2001-036W The Effects of Sugar Maple Removal on Macrofungi in Baber's Woods Nature Preserve Research
2001-034W Analysis of Microsatellite DNA from Speyeria idalia Research
2001-022W Intrabasin Translocation of the Fringed Darter Etheostoma crossopterum Research
2001-021W Habitat and Reproduction of Dioscorea batatas and Invasive Plant Species in Southern Illinois Research
2001-015W Robinson Park Hill Prairie Nature Preserve Vascular Plant Surgery Research
2001-011W Comparative Life History Studies of Microstegium vimineum, an Invasive Exotic in Southern Illinois Research
2001-010W Assessing the effects of prescribed burns on understory diversity, competing vegetation, and maintaining early successional characteristics in forests of Southern Illinois. Research
2001-004W Habitat Use by the Golden Mouse (Ochrotomys Nuttalli) Research
2000-077W Determination of Seed Vigor and Genetic Variability in Illinois Populations of Royal Catchfly along the Wabash River Research
2000-076W Reproductive Limitations of Seeds and Seedlings in Patterson Bindweed Research
2000-063W Early Natural History and Larval Habitat Utilization of the Spring Cavefish in Southern Illinois Research
2000-058W Optical brightner detection in the Krueger system Research
2000-057W Evaluation of Turtle Communities in the Illinois River: A Polluted Ecosystem Research
2000-046W Distribution, Habitat, and Demographic Characteristics of Lysimachia Fraseri Duby Populations in Illinois Research
2000-030W Life History Studies on Microstegium vimineum, an invasive exotic in southern Illinois Research
2000-014W Use of floodplain forests by birds during the winter: Implications for floodplain restoration Research
2000-007W An Assessment of the Effects of Browsing by White-Tailed Deer on Spring Wildflowers at the Olin Nature Preserve Research
1999-051W The effects of sugar maple removal on macrofungi in Baber's Woods Nature Preserve Research
1999-036W Using Skeletochronology to Estimate the Age-size Relationship of Silvery Salamanders at Kickapoo State Research
1999-031W Determination of Population Genetic Structure of Prairie Rose Gentian, Sabatia campestris Research
1999-026W Habitat Use by Small Mammals in an Intensively Managed Grassland Wildlife Sanctuary - Final Year Research
1999-025W Reproductive Ecology Home Range & Dispersal of the River Cooter Research
1999-004W Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area Project: Big Bluestem Genetics and Gene Flow Research
1998-L12W Evaluation of Habitat Ecology of the larvae of Hine's Emerald Dragonfly Research
1998-L10W White-tailed Deer Browsing Damage to Prairie Vegetation Research
1998-L09W Site fidelity in the Henslow's Sparrow Research
1998-L06W Development of Biological Control of Garlic Mustard Research
1998-032W Habitat Use by Small mammals in an Intensively-Managed Grassland Preserve Research
1998-021W Seed Predation by birds, small mammals, and ants in a restored tallgrass prairie Research
1997-053W Gene Flow and the Genetic Structure of Sabatia campestris: Early Studies in Understanding the Genetics of Prairie Rose Gentian Research
1997-038W Adaptive Significance of Re-nesting Following Nest Abandonment in the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Research
1997-037W Using GIS to Assess Changes in Riparian Vegetation as an Indicator of Changes in Fish Community Structure Research
1997-027W The Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on the Southern Flying Squirrel in Southern Illinois Research
1995-L15W Pilot Study of Public Land Survey Notes from the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division of Illinois Research
1995-L11W Pesticide Residues in Illinois Loggerhead Shrikes Research
1995-L05W Quantitative Analysis of Vegetation Structure (Interspersion) as it relates to Water Level Manipulation and Breeding Wetland Bird Populations at Redwing Slough State N.A. Research
1995-L03W Effects of Landscape Fragmentation on Migrant Songbirds: Implications for Floodplain Restoration Research
1995-027W Factors Determining Richness of Reptile and Amphibian Species in a Riparian Wildlife Dispersal Corridor: The effect of Corridor Width on species diversity and abundance of reptiles and amphibians Research
1994-032W Development and fecundity of Myzus lythri and its potential effect on Lythrum salicaria: The Potential of Myzus lythri (Homoptera: Aphididae) to Influence the Growth and Development of Lythrum salicaria Research
1991-053W Evidence of Organophoshates Avicide Toxicity in Birds of Prey: Pilot Study Research
1991-017W Aspects of Reproduction in a Captive Population of the State Threatened Ironcolor Shiner (Notropis Chalybaeus) Research
1987-L37W TV Towers Bird Kill Study: Bird Kills at Towers with Different Lighting Systems Research
1987-L33W Reintroduction of Extinct Illinois Herptile Populations: Study of Reintrodution of Extinct Illinois Amphibian Populations (Carryover from 1986) Research
1987-005W Determination of Summer Distribution and Habitat Utilization of the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) in Illinois Research
1986-112W Big River State Forest Fire History: Tree-Ring Analysis and Fire History of the McClain Acquisition on the Big River State Forest Research
1986-082W Determination of Summer Habitat Requirements for Indiana Bats Research
1986-073W Peregrine Falcon Reintroduction Research
1986-062W Reintroduction of Extinct Illinois Herptile Populations Research
1986-050W Grassland Wildlife: Protection of Native Endangered Prairie-Chickens from Ring-Necked Pheasants on Illinois Sanctuaries Research
1986-011W Mass Bird Kills by TV Towers Research
1985-004W Impacts and Effects of Nature Trails on Breeding Birds Research
1985-003W Clear Lake Heron Colony Survey: Avian Ecological Projects in the Sand Ridge State Forest and the Clear Lake Heron Colony Research
1985-001W Nesting Biology of the Short-Eared Owl & Northern Harrier Research